
Integrity, transparency and correctness

The governance of the ECLISSE Group is based on fundamental principles of integrity, transparency and correctness, making an essential contribution to the achievement of business results and the creation of long-term sustainable value.

Code of Ethics

As of 2024, we have voluntarily drawn up our Code of Ethics, a document that sets out the ethical and moral standards that all people working with or having relations with the group are required to respect and promote.
In this charter of fundamental rights and duties, we defined the ethical and social responsibilities of the companies within the group.

Corporate Governance Code

Also on a voluntary basis, we decided to adopt the CODIF, ‘Code of Self-Discipline for Unlisted Family-controlled Companies’, promoted by AIdAF (Italian Association of Family Businesses), the AIdAF-EY Chair of Family Business Strategy at Bocconi University and the Notary Studio of Prof. Piergaetano Marchetti.
The adoption of this evolved and modern corporate governance model aims to improve decision-making processes in family businesses, guiding their management according to the principles of proper balancing of delegated powers and responsibilities, taking into account family interests.